OCBC Church Exterior

奧根湖區華人浸信會 (Okanagan Chinese Baptist Church, OCBC) 於1996初在基隆拿市開始聚會,直至2002年5月建堂,是奧根湖區唯一有自己教堂的華人教會。



The Okanagan Chinese Baptist Church (OCBC) was established in Kelowna since 1996. It became independent in May 2002. It is the only Chinese church in the Okanagan with its own building. OCBC’s mission is to serve the local Chinese community and bear witness to Christ.

Our congregation mainly comprises families and college students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Sunday services are primarily conducted in Cantonese with simultaneous Mandarin translation.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.